Professional Services

Inspecting and evaluating the status of a building

The acceptance report for the common portions of a building is used to determine the current status of the components of a building’s common areas. This report may be completed by a list of deficiencies that can be transmitted to the builder for remedial work that would be required.

The survey essentially consists of inspecting and evaluating the status of the systems and common areas of the property, as regards to the external envelope (walls, windows, balconies, roof, etc.), the exposed parts of structures, mechanical and electrical equipment, as well as lifts, hoists or escalators.

In the field of co-ownership, at St-Pierre & Associés, we often say that the worst deficiency is the maintenance deficit.

This document is useful for the reception of common areas (co-ownership), a pre-purchase inspection, or a refinancing, It is also useful to plan and estimate the priority of work to be conduct on a property. The evaluation of the deficiencies of a building is also useful before the end of the warranty period.

For this inspection, our team will complete the following steps:

Once the deficiencies have been corrected, it does not stop there, quite the contrary. It will be necessary to ensure an adequate maintenance program. The reserve fund study and the maintenance manual will then become essential tools.